The Catskill Watershed Corporation (20 unit hotel and conference center renovation of historical building)
Eastman Associates (Boys & Girls Club foundation engineering)
Brooks Bar-B-Q (sauce plant expansion and wastewater treatment plant)
Springbrook (architectural and site-development for assisted residential living facilities for the disabled)
Engineering reports and analysis on the Smithy Building in Cooperstown, NY (building was constructed in 1786 by Judge William Cooper)
Gilbert Lake State Park: engineering and design of CCC cabins renovation for ADA accessibility
Alex Herrmann, PE, SE
Ben Beisler, PE
Boyle Excavating
G&S Construction Inc.
R. Braun Land Surveyor
Rasmussen Land Surveyors
Red Point Builders
Senator Peter Oberacker
Seward Sand and Gravel
Tom Howard Construction
Whritner Builders